Sienna, Lucca, & Pisa

Today was a guided tour of three cities- near Florence-- Sienna, Lucca & Pisa.

Sienna- from which the color comes

Sienna- streets of many hills

Sienna- town center, where the horse races take place

Choir book- cir. 1500

Machiavelli's desk and chair from his country home

Ye Olde Medieval bread oven


Lucca- only the bad alter boys clean the statues ;-) (look for the stairs)

Push harder---

A little to the right

Look how strong she is

Peek-a-boo, I see you

Pisa- the baptistry

Hey Chris- There is something over your shoulder ;-)
Today's flavors:
Chris- Strawberry and Chocolate
Janelle- Pineapple and Coconut
Ais- Hazelnut
Today's gelato flavors were brought to you by the city of Pisa


Karla said…
I love all the photos! It looks like so much fun :)
Sandy Baur said…
I love the photos of you holding up the leaning tower! SOOOO funny! I LOVE IT