my little sicky

it has been a rough couple of days for the youngest of my family....
Bentley had not been eating or drinking. I hand fed him some frozen broth and gave him water from a dropper on Tuesday he was not better. I took him to the vet on Tuesday afternoon- as soon as they could get us in. They kept him for a few hours, He got an IV and some medication. He apparently got a protozoa/parasite (similar to giardia). I picked him up last night and we kept him at home overnight. He still was not himself and did not drink unless i gave it to him from the dropper, and even then he only had about 1 tablespoon of water. I was instructed to not let him eat. I brought him back to the vet this morning for a check up and they are keeping him today-- more IV fluids and medication. I will pick him up this evening and give him meds at home.
I totally fell apart when the vet tech took him from me this morning and he started to whimper and cry as he clung to me.... my poor little guy. I know he will feel better this afternoon.
his eyes say--- mommy i don't feel good

the IV is in his front leg- all wrapped up


Sandy Baur said…
Poor little guy! I'm so sorry he is sick. Keep me posted!
Karla said…
Thinking about you.
Sandy Baur said…
How is he feeling?
Jane-E-B said…
I am happy to report Bentley has made a complete recovery!!