Science musuem

Today began with a little guest on the window sill. This little guy is a very welcome guest as he eats mosquitoes, of which there are more than a couple.

On the docket today was the museum of science, the borgello museum, the church of the Santo Spirito and gelato.
First things first--- gelato. We stopped at the little shop on the other side of the bridge.
We walked to the church (closed), we will table that trip until Sat.

The we picked up a couple of souvenirs...
Ais wanted to have her portrait drawn... we found a guy near the Ufizzi and she had it drawn.

Then it was off to the science museum or museum of Galileo.

Chris with Galileo ---who is who???

wow- the face again! soooo cute
we saw lots of fun inventions

an early fire hose-- with a pressurized stream of water


Galileo's personal telescope
a doctors traveling kit for medicines

and a creepy thing--
Galileo's pointer finger
We have seen a lot of body parts preserved and under glass- a sign of respect?

Next we headed to the Bargello- a museum of statues. On the way we got side tracked by the home where Dante was born and raised.


one happy hubby

Dante-- the writer of The Divine Comedy (not really a funny story ;-))

Today’s flavors
Chris- Dark chocolate and caramel
Janelle- Yogurt with Nutella and Cheesecake
Ais- Hazelnut and chocolate mousse


Sandy Baur said…
WOW What an awesome day! I love the portrait too! The science museum is where it's at!