Honors and accolades

I was inducted into the honor society for nurses as an undergraduate.
I have been active with my local chapter since I started grad school.
Last night was the local nursing honor society’s induction.
At this event nursing students who are in the top of their class are an inducted, by invitation only.
It is an honor, as the name suggests. I have been part of the committee that organizes this event for that last couple of years.
Last night I was given a further honor …
I was bestowed the student research award.
There is only one award for our chapter and I was the student to receive it.
Along with a dozen beautiful yellow and green roses and a lovely certificate,
There is a monetary award to assist me in my dissertation research.
What a blessing and honor to have been chosen from the many.


Linda said…
Yeah....way to go. The rock that is not the "real you" just keeps getting chipped away! I am very happy for you and so proud of all your accomplishments.