Revenge of the tomato soup

Having been burned in effigy in a previous blog the dreaded tomato soup decided to seek his revenge on the poor unsuspecting soul who had written said blog…
How, you may wonder, could such a benign looking substance wreak havoc on the guiltless author…
The story begins…
It was a dark and stormy night (HEE HEE HEE)
While I was in Utah, slaving away in the NBICU, some obliging person who shall remain nameless but can be quoted as saying “I have done my time in the cannery” helpfully signed me up to serve in the cannery again. During a phone call she asked “I signed you up… OK?” in my guileless way I said "Yes".
It dawned on me to ask “what are we canning?”
The reply…
Tomato soup, of course.
Didn’t she read the last blog about tomato soup?
Oh well, I will serve with honor (brow high in the air in dignity)
Then, the time came for the carpool to be arranged….
We were to meet at
Are you kidding me???
I don’t do mornings!

Thursday morning I rolled myself out of bed.
Put on a hat and waited in the cold and dark for the carpool to get me
Silently cursing the benevolent person who made my service possible
This time however, I maneuvered my way to much better job
Can machine loader----
I used a large jimmy rigged “pitchfork” that held 18 soup cans and loaded the conveyor belt with cans to be filled with soup. There were three of us and we chatted and laughed most of the time. We loaded 4 ½ pallets of cans (each pallet holds 2,880 cans)
Soooo tomato soup, I am the real winner of this battle,

The war continues, as I am told there is one more battle to be waged between soup and Janelle
