walking fool

We all know mom and how much she loves to walk, well living here I couldn't let her be better than me (that old Bassett pride). I have started walking. I actually started when I moved here and could walk one loop ( one mile). I was winded and though- well this is yucky! But alas that pride would not let me quit. I have slowly worked my way up to three loops a night with a little power section up the steepest part of the walk. I start by adding a lap and then once that had been accomplished it becomes the new standard.
Tonight I did four loops! My legs are jello and I am thinking to myself "muscle failure Sarge".
Tragically I think a new precedence has been set and four will become the standard- well this is yucky. I has however helped me to loose a little weight and Mom and I can chat for hours and say nothing, I really feel blessed to get to be here and with Mom and Dad. They are truly wonderful.


Sandy Baur said…
Welcome to the worl of fitness? Feel like walking a marathon? :) Doesn't it feel good to exercise?